
class dragon.vm.tensorflow.keras.layers.DepthwiseConv2D(

2D depthwise convolution layer. [Chollet, 2016].



Create a DepthwiseConv2D Layer.

  • kernel_size (Union[int, Sequence[int]]) The shape of convolution window.
  • strides (Union[int, Sequence[int]], optional, default=1) The stride of convolution window.
  • padding (Union[str, Sequence[int]], optional) The padding algorithm or size.
  • data_format (str, optional, default='channels_last') 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'.
  • dilation_rate (Union[int, Sequence[int]], optional, default=1) The rate of dilated convolution.
  • activation (Union[callable, str], optional) The optional activation function.
  • use_bias (bool, optional, default=True) Add a bias tensor to output or not.
  • kernel_initializer (Union[callable, str], optional) The initializer for kernel tensor.
  • bias_initializer (Union[callable, str], optional) The initializer for bias tensor.
  • kernel_regularizer (Union[callable, str], optional) The regularizer for kernel tensor.
  • bias_regularizer (Union[callable, str], optional) The regularizer for bias tensor.