

Compute the matrix multiplication.

\[\text{out} = \text{input1} \times \text{input2} \]

The behavior depends on the shape of input tensors:

  • If both tensors are 1d, computes the vector product.
  • If tensors are 1d and >=2d, computes the vector-matrix multiplication.
  • If tensors are >=2d and 1d, computes the matrix-vector multiplication.
  • If both tensors are >= 2d, computes the matrix-matrix multiplication.
  • If one tensor is >= 3d, applies batching and broadcasting to the computation.


# Vector x Vector
a = dragon.ones((2,), 'float32')
b = dragon.ones((2,), 'float32')
print(dragon.math.matmul([a, b]))
# Vector x Matrix
a = dragon.ones((2,), 'float32')
b = dragon.ones((2, 3), 'float32')
print(dragon.math.matmul([a, b]))
# Matrix x Vector
a = dragon.ones((3, 2), 'float32')
b = dragon.ones((2,), 'float32')
print(dragon.math.matmul([a, b]))
# Matrix x Matrix
a = dragon.ones((2, 3), 'float32')
b = dragon.ones((3, 2), 'float32')
print(dragon.math.matmul([a, b]))

dragon.Tensor The output tensor.