

abs(…) : Compute the absolute value of input.

add(…) : Compute the element-wise addition.

affine(…) : Apply the affine transformation to input.

argmax(…) : Compute the index of maximum elements along the given axis.

argmin(…) : Compute the index of minimum elements along the given axis.

atan2(…) : Compute the element-wise arc-tangent of two arguments.

ceil(…) : Compute the smallest integer not less than input.

clip(…) : Compute the clipped input according to the given bounds.

cos(…) : Compute the cos of input.

cumsum(…) : Compute the cumulative sum of elements along the given axis.

div(…) : Compute the element-wise division.

equal(…) : Compute the element-wise equal comparison.

exp(…) : Compute the exponential of input.

floor(…) : Compute the largest integer not greater than input.

gemm(…) : Compute the general matrix multiplication.

greater(…) : Compute the element-wise greater comparison.

greater_equal(…) : Compute the element-wise greater-equal comparison.

is_finite(…) : Check if the elements of input are finite.

is_inf(…) : Check if the elements of input are infinite.

is_nan(…) : Check if the elements of input are NaN.

less(…) : Compute the element-wise less comparison.

less_equal(…) : Compute the element-wise less-equal comparison.

log(…) : Compute the logarithm of input.

logical_and(…) : Compute the element-wise AND logical operation.

logical_not(…) : Compute the element-wise NOT logical operation.

logical_or(…) : Compute the element-wise OR logical operation.

logical_xor(…) : Compute the element-wise XOR logical operation.

matmul(…) : Compute the matrix multiplication.

max(…) : Compute the max value of elements along the given axis.

maximum(…) : Compute the maximum value of given two inputs.

mean(…) : Compute the mean value of elements along the given axis.

min(…) : Compute the min value of elements along the given axis.

minimum(…) : Compute the minimum value of given two inputs.

mul(…) : Compute the element-wise multiplication.

negative(…) : Compute the element-wise negative.

norm(…) : Compute the norm value of elements along the given axis.

not_equal(…) : Compute the element-wise not-equal comparison.

pow(…) : Compute the power of input.

reciprocal(…) : Compute the reciprocal of input.

round(…) : Compute the nearest integer of input.

rsqrt(…) : Compute the reciprocal square root of input.

sigmoid(…) : Compute the sigmoid result of input.

sign(…) : Compute the sign indication of input.

sin(…) : Compute the sin of input.

sqrt(…) : Compute the square root of input.

square(…) : Compute the square of input.

sub(…) : Compute the element-wise subtraction.

sum(…) : Compute the sum value of elements along the given axis.

tanh(…) : Compute the tanh of input.

top_k(…) : Return the top k-largest or k-smallest elements along the given axis.

var(…) : Compute the variance value of elements along the given axis.